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The Holiday Spirit needs to be kept alive this year more than ever. Jessica Ping-Wild stands in front of an ornament statue with a blue sky behind her. She is wearing a white sweaters and her light brown hair is straight down her back. she has glasses on.

Keeping The Holiday Spirit Alive During the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020

About a month ago, we entered my favorite season of the year. No, it’s not Fall, it’s better! I’m talking about Holiday Season, y’all! In my family, Holiday Season lasts from October 1st – January 2nd. Obviously, depending on which holidays you and your family observe, this could be longer or shorter for everyone.

Covid-19 is forcing many families around the world to cancel family celebrations and get-togethers.

Keep reading to find out how you can keep the Holiday Spirit alive amongst your family and friends while remaining physically apart!