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Disability Advocacy Personal Growth

6 Things YOU Can Do In 2021 To Be A Better Disability Community Ally

I know I’ve said this a million times on social media and that at least 3 other blog posts begin with this same sentiment, but that’s because it is so glaringly obvious.

2020 was the worst. It’s been mentally and physically draining for pretty much everyone around the world. But, no group or community has felt the full blow like the disability community.

The disability community has once again been forced into hiding thanks to the irresponsible behavior of our neighbors. Our worth has been called into question by both strangers on the street and medical professionals. It truly felt as if we were shoved backward through time. As the disability community shouted and exclaimed their joy over the 30th anniversary of the ADA, we were simultaneously being silenced.

In today’s blog post I talk about becoming a better disability community ally in 2021 and some basic easy steps you can take to do better this year.

Jessica Ping-Wild stands on her one leg with her hand on her hip on top of a tree stump. Above her picture is the text “# Disability Power.” Underneath is the text “Shout It Out”
Disability Advocacy

Everything You Need To Know About The Disability Power Movement

The Disability Power Movement is dedicated to one thing: bringing widespread awareness to the plethora of issues the disabled community faces every single day. Essentially, it is a continuation of the work I have been doing on my blog for the past year. The only difference is I am now trying to get more people to actively talk about and understand the topics I discuss daily.

Jessica Ping-Wild sits on a tree stump and lifts a bottle of wine above her head in celebration of the ADA's 30th Anniversary
Disability Advocacy

5 Ways You Can Celebrate the ADA’s 30th Anniversary After July Ends

Here on The Rolling Explorer, we have been celebrating the ADA’s 30th Anniversary for the entire month of July.

It’s been busy, but so, so fulfilling.

Of course, none of my efforts matter if they don’t inspire real change. I am thrilled to have a platform to speak out on, but at the end of the day, words can only do so much.

That’s why I created the list below.

Disability Pride Month is coming to an end and the ADA won’t have another significant anniversary for at least 5 years. I’ve been impressed that so many organizations have used this month to spread awareness. The real key, though, is what people do moving forward.