I’ve been obsessed with Halloween since I could form a coherent thought. The candy, the costumes, the adrenaline, the fun: it all comes together to form one of the best holidays. Unfortunately, like everything else this year, Halloween celebrations are looking a little different.

As The Rolling Explorer was originally created to be an accessible travel and lifestyle blog, I would have loved to spend this month sharing my top recommended spooky tourist attractions or visiting costume shops to see how many adaptive costumes were for sale. Obviously, Covid has made posts like these impossible to create this year. So, instead, I decided to combine two of my favorite things: dressing up and advocacy!


The Rolling Explorer’s HalloWeek Spooktacular is a 7-day content event.


Primarily Instagram and TikTok, but Facebook and Twitter will see some of the videos, as well!


Sunday, October 25th 2020 – Saturday, October 31st 2020


Follow me on Instagram and TikTok so you don’t miss a post! Otherwise, check back here throughout the week for the direct links to all of the content included in the Spooktacular event.


I have two drastically different answers to this question.

First of all, I like to think I am a pretty fun and bubbly person. While I always try to let my personality shine through in my writing, I recognize that by discussing such serious topics, that’s not always possible. This HalloWeek Spooktacular allows me to showcase my true self while still bringing important education to the masses.

Secondly, as much effort as I put into my blog posts, I know that a written article will only go so far. Some messages are better understood when they are shared as a video. So, essentially, this week is all about welcoming more people to the conversation and showcasing my diverse capabilities as a content creator.



Introduction to the week-long event – https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxsSHWJHJi/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Jessica Ping-Wild in a witch costume pointing to a halloween sign welcome wicked friends. This is the introduction to HalloWeek

Women are complex, so are women with disabilities. Don’t put us in a box. – https://www.instagram.com/p/CG0eNXMJK-q/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Instagram screenshot from my HalloWeek Spooktacular. Jessica Ping-Wild is in both a devil costume and a angel costume with the words Both are Vaild surrounding the picture

Hey Angel! You are enough just the way you are✨ – https://www.instagram.com/p/CG2-gtHJVaM/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


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About Author

Writer, speaker, and content creator - founder of The Rolling Explorer

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