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Jessica Ping-Wild poses on a fake cover of vogue magazine to provide an example of what normalizing mobility aids could do for the fashion industry
Disability Advocacy Personal Growth

Where Are The Mobility Aids In The Fashion And Entertainment Industries?

Up until last fall, I hardly ever let my picture be taken sitting down. Part of the reasoning was my aversion to showing off my stomach rolls. I’ve always struggled with body image, and if I had nothing to block my tummy from view, I was guaranteed to be self-conscious.

The bigger and more problematic reason I avoided these types of photos, though, was my aversion to my mobility aids. I didn’t like the idea of “looking disabled.” There is such a stigma surrounding wheelchairs, crutches, canes, and prosthetics, not to mention bulkier medical equipment, that it’s hard for people who require these devices to not feel ashamed of needing them.