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Jessica Ping-Wild, a white, prosthetic using woman stands in front of a display of models at Isabel Manns presentation at London Fashion Week. Jessica shows off her left arm limb difference and left leg amputation in a bright pink silk wrap dress. Her hair is down but pulled back off of her face with her bangs down. She is smiling and using a walking stick.
Disability Advocacy Lifestyle Personal Story

Why Disability Representation At Fashion Week is So Important

Ever since I was a young girl, I have sought out disability representation in the media, entertainment, and fashion industries. As a born performer and lover of the creative arts, these industries have always had me in a chokehold of sorts.

But more importantly, they passively inform our entire society about the things they should and should not care about at any given time of the day, month, year, decade, or century.

That might sound rather intense, but it’s 100% true.

Disability Advocacy Lifestyle Personal Story

9 Post-Covid Anxieties I Have As A Chronically Ill & Disabled Woman

Let me just start off today’s blog post by saying this: It is 100% natural and valid to hate this pandemic and all the pain it’s caused around the world, but still be nervous for it to end. Post-Covid anxieties are very real and should be taken seriously. Not only do many of them highlight parts of our society’s structure that could be improved, but they also matter to several people you love and care about.

Today, I am sharing my list of post-covid anxieties as a chronically ill and disabled young woman in order to get people thinking about the ways we can ensure a return to normalcy doesn’t impede on people’s ability to live.

a search bar on a red background with the words "ableist language to avoid - 'Dumb'"
Ableist Language Series Disability Advocacy

Ableist Language To Avoid And Acceptable Alternatives – “Dumb” Edition

Definition of “Dumb”

1a: lacking intelligence: STUPID

1b: showing a lack of intelligence

1c: requiring no intelligence

2a: lacking the human power of speech

2b of a person, dated, offensive, lacking the ability to speak: MUTE

3: temporarily unable to speak (as from shock or astonishment)

4: not expressed in uttered words


*All definitions are from the Merriam Webster Dictionary